Magical Moorea

We reminisce on our time when we were saving money for our adventure, in our bedroom in Dublin, looking at the world map we bought during Christmas 2011, upon which we stuck thumb tacks on the countries we hoped to visit. We plotted our route, changed our minds, consulted travel guides and blogs, one pin […]

Budget + expenditures by country

=======================>    CLIQUEZ ICI POUR LA VERSION EN FRANCAIS    <======================== “What’s your budget.” is the question most asked when preparing for a trip around the world. Before we left, when discussing our plans to travel for a long period, one of the questions most people wondered if we had won the lottery or received a […]

Saving money for travel

Saving money towards travelling was no easy job. From the very beginning we’ve had a rough idea of how much money we would need to have put aside in order to have both our travel but also our come back covered.  We would travel until the money runs out and  then have enough money to […]